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How to set up phone service in Vietnam?

in Vietnam by @cr8on2 8yr  | 1 comment

Headed to Da Nang, Vietnam in my first international digital nomad experiment!

Iโ€™m a noob - whatโ€™s the best way to set up my phone over there.

  • I need to keep my same cell number as I get business calls to it. I canโ€™t afford to miss a call.

  • AT & T is my USA carrier, but heir options are very expensive.

  • Iโ€™ve heard everything from SIM cards to forwarding to a Skype number etc.

Note: If any of you are in Da Nang, Iโ€™d love to meet up!!! LMK.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

@taxico 8yr

port your number to Google Voice.

install Google Hangouts on your phone. Google will manage your incoming texts and calls. you can also make free outgoing texts/calls to the US.

get a local prepaid SIM (must include data) and pop it into that phone.

install Skype in the phone. set up Skype Caller-ID. it takes 48 hours to activate.

after activation, you can now send OUTGOING texts to non-US numbers (requires Skype credit).

this is because your local VN prepaid number expires after 1-3 month if not topped up (depending on plan)โ€ฆ if you top it up religiously, thatโ€™s okay. as i fly in/out of VN, my number some times expires and i have to get a new one.

thus i prefer to give out my US-number and communicate via WhatsApp with the Vietnamese. i save my local VN prepaid minutes for local VN landline calls.

if you have a cloud-based Office 365 subscription, that will add 60 world minutes/month (excluding Vietnam) to your Skype account (linking/activation required).

this gives you a back-up service if Hangouts doesnโ€™t work wellโ€ฆ as well as for making calls to non-US and non-VN numbers (check list of eligible countries for Office 365 Skype World Minutes to be sure).

option 2:

roam on your old number. set up a new GV number instead of porting your old one, and follow as above.

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What's the best thing to do with your phone/ your phone number when travelling?

in Poland by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 6 comments

Hey, hope everyone is well!

We're leaving in a month to go travelling. Our first destination is still to be confirmed, but will likely be Poland or Slovakia. We will be moving around every month or two to different destinations.

The question we have is: what do people do with phones/ phone numbers when hopping from country to country? Ideally we'd just like one number for the whole trip (even better, the number we already have) wherever we go, rather than getting new SIMs with different numbers.

This is just so it's easier to keep in contact with family/ clients/ etc.


App/tool/service for nomads to bring things from another country?

by @brmolin 5yr 5 years ago  | 4 comments

I vaguely remember hearing about such a service before, but Iโ€™m drawing a blank on the name. Basically I left my tablet on a connecting flight in Europe, right before my main flight to Thailand. They have my tablet and are willing to ship it out for me, but people have warned me thereโ€™s a big risk of it getting โ€œlost in the mailโ€ if I ship something expensive like that to Thailand.

Iโ€™m wondering if thereโ€™s a service or community, where I can find a nomad whoโ€™s in Europe/heading to Thailand soon, so I can have it shipped to them in Europe and pay them to ferry it down here for me? I met someone in Budapest a ways back who had built something for this type of use-case, but I canโ€™t remember the name of it. Any help would be appreciated!


Best American phone carrier for nomads

by @tylertringas 5yr 5 years ago  | 12 comments

Iโ€™m surprised this isnโ€™t anywhere on the forum yet. But just a pro tip for Americans about to start a nomad adventure. T-mobile offers unlimited SMS & data in 120 countries for FREE with any of their (already pretty cheap) plans. Itโ€™s ideal if you plan to be back in the US for any part of the year, but I honestly would consider it even if youโ€™re going to be entirely out of the country.

You get bumped down to much slower 3G speeds, but itโ€™s free and works as soon as you land. Can be super helpful before youโ€™ve sorted yourself out with a local SIM. I usually keep my T-mobile SIM in my iPhone all the time and then buy a local SIM and drop it in my pocket wifi for both laptop and iPhone when needed. I keep my local US number and just use it (itโ€™s like $0.05/min in most places) for important clients calls so they donโ€™t have to bother with Skype.

Iโ€™m not affiliated at all, just a happy customer. Anybody found a better deal worth mentioning?


Best place to set up a company selling digital services?

by @pras_k 5yr 5 years ago  | 10 comments

Whatโ€™s the best place?
For residency Iโ€™m looking at Portugal and they have the NHR (non habitual resident) program which would exempt dividends from foreign income.
So all Iโ€™m really looking for is the best place to actually start the company.
Biggest factors are of course low taxes and ease of setting up the company plus a business bank account that enables me to receive payments through Stripe.

What I found so far:
Hong Kong
Corporate tax rate of 16.5% (8.25% for the first HK$2 million)
โŠ•/โŠ– offshore income from outside HK is exempt from taxation but itโ€™s not clear whether this can be done in the first year and prorated or if itโ€™s only through filing the offshore exemption claim. This might take two years and requires not income from HK at all. More info on that would be great
โŠ– seems very difficult to get a business bank account
โŠ– necessary services and fees are roughly around โ‚ฌ2000 / year
โŠ– accounting requirements seem to be very strict
โŠ• Doesnโ€™t require local partner
โŠ• Agencies available that seem to handle most of the work

Corporate tax rate of 17% (0% on the first S$100k, 8.5% up to S$300k)
โŠ– requires a local director. What are the implications of this?

Corporate tax rate of 35%
There is the โ€œfull imputation systemโ€ but I donโ€™t really understand it.
"In most cases, the tax refund to the shareholder is 6/7 of the tax paid by the company on profits distributed as dividends. The tax refund rate may be different in the following cases: " This would result in an effective corporate tax of around 5%.
โŠ– European customers would have to pay VAT and Iโ€™d have to deal with that

Corporate tax rate of 12.5% and there seem to be ways to lower this
โŠ– European customers would have to pay VAT and Iโ€™d have to deal with that
โŠ– requires staying in Cyprus for 2 months / year

I find it surprising how much research this requires and how much โ€œit dependsโ€ information is out there when Iโ€™d assume that there are probably thousands of digital nomads who probably have very similar requirements.


Wich is the better international SIM card for data only service?

by @chelocoach 5yr 5 years ago  | 14 comments

Hi there!

Iโ€™m looking for international sim card services. I looked for other posts, and I know there are other alternatives, but Iโ€™m interested to have an international sim-card with only data plan, just to be used while I get a local one.


ยฟAny experience using any of these services?


Advice on phone plans? 1 year in Europe

by @larsheather 5yr 5 years ago  | 8 comments

Weโ€™re Americans planning to be in Europe for all of 2020 - approx. 90 days in each country, and alternating Schengen and non-Schengen. Our destinations will likely include four of these: Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Romania, and Spain.
Can anyone give us advice on cell phones? We would prefer to keep our current (U.S) numbers if at all possible. We donโ€™t anticipate making many local calls, but will phone the U.S. about once a week. Weโ€™ll use our phones for internet quite often.
Any advice for our situation would be very much appreciated!
Heather and Lars


Whatโ€™s a good European call & SMS forwarding service?

by @adrienbetweets 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi all

What do you guys use for receiving both sms & calls on a European phone number?

Iโ€™d like to have a phone number that does not change for at least 1 or 2 years.

I did my homework & found this thread but itโ€™s only about US services so I donโ€™t think itโ€™s relevant: Whatโ€™s a good US call and SMS forwarding service?
Also, I looked into Google Hangout but it doesnโ€™t support European phone numbers.


What's a good US call and SMS forwarding service?

by @vong 6yr 6 years ago  | 12 comments

Hi all,

What do you guys use for call and sms forwarding?

Currently I have a Skype US number that forwards to my local phone number. However, it canโ€™t receive SMSโ€™es so thatโ€™s a huge dealbreaker.

Thereโ€™s RingCentral - but that starts at $29/month which is rather pricey.

Any suggestions? Iโ€™d just like to be able to call and text like Iโ€™m still in the US (when Iโ€™m not). Thanks in advance!



Mail forwarding service based in Wyoming?

by @hollymona 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Hello, Iโ€™m a nomad based in Asia, but recently incorporated in Wyoming. Does anyone use a mail forwarding service with a Wyoming street address that you would recommend?


Best SIP/VOIP service for small remote teams?

by @luisplz 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi everyone,

we are a very small remote german company (3 at the moment) but we are expanding and three new colleagues will be working for us in the upcoming weeks/months. Up until now, we used Skype and my regular mobile phone line for all the intern/support and selling calls but since we will have soon other people working for support and selling too, we need to profesionalice that aspect.

In your opinion and experience, what is the best and more cost efficient VOIP / SIP service that we could use? Thanks!


What items/services etc did you wish you had the first time you set off to travel?

by @theunisk 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

A friend of mine is setting off on her first long solo trip, starting in Brazil. She will initially be backpacking but may turn to working on the road at some point.

Iโ€™d like to get her a nice gift for the trip and though I have a few ideas, I thought Iโ€™d come here for some further inspiration. What have you found yourself missing on the road, or what item or service has made your travels better/more comfortable/enjoyable ?
An example from my experience: a way to organise laundry, eg packing cubes or dry bags.


How can I find a fair incorporation service in Hong Kong?

in Hong Kong by @otsuka1007 7yr 7 years ago  | 9 comments

Hello, Iโ€™m thinking about launching a new company in Hong Kong for an international EC business though Iโ€™m not a resident nor have any address, will not live in Hong Kong.
Iโ€™ve googled and found hundreds of incorporation service offices but donโ€™t have any idea which one is trust worthy, and which one is rip-off or con.
Can anybody recommend a specific service or tell me how to find a good service?


Best noise canceling headphones?

by @matthewmagellan 7yr 7 years ago  | 19 comments

Does anyone have recommendations for noise canceling over-ear headphones for traveling? Iโ€™m not quite a minimalist, but I do believe in โ€œfewer, nicer things,โ€ so I want something that will last. Iโ€™m considering the famous $300 Bose headphones, but after consulting with The Wirecutter it seems like I might be perfectly happy with a budget pick.

These are mostly to for plane travel. I get weirdly distraught by airplane noise on long haul flights.

Thanks! Also, this is my first post! :smile:


Is a 4G sim device in addition to phone advisable in SE Asia?

by @anderkd 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Iโ€™m planning a visit to Chiang Mai and Bali starting in April. I have a Google Nexus which has worked flawlessly in Mexico at least. Assuming it will work just as well in CM and Bali? If I decide not to work in a coworking space, but rather Airbnb w/wifi and/or Coffee shops wifi, would a dedicated 4g sim card device be worth spening $75 USD to purchase, plus local sim, plus potential SIM hassle, or just rely on Nexus hotspot + airbnb and coffee shop Wifi?


In which cities thereโ€™re meal delivery services that provide customers with weekly pre-proportioned meals with recipes?

by @denis.peskov 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Think American Blue Apron, or Moscow-based Elementaree for that matter. Iโ€™m not a big fan of food-shopping or market-haggling, you know. Yet Iโ€™m OK with cooking myself :slight_smile: Such services would definitely make a stay easier.


Feedback on UK mail handling services

by @sarab 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi everyone,

Iโ€™m thinking of changing my current setup for mail/post receiving and scanning (at the moment I have some friends doing it for me), and I was wondering if anyone has any specific feedback/advice regarding UK companies. Iโ€™m currently looking at UKPostBox.

Any personal insight would be greatly appreciated!



What is the best voice service in Europe?

by @que 8yr 8 years ago  | 6 comments

Hello, what is the best voice service to use in Europe? I plan to move around to different to countries. Iโ€™m wondering what people are doing?

I was thinking of using Appleโ€™s Sim for data, but that doesnโ€™t include voice.


Starting a SaaS website with paid service -- Best practices for setting up payment collection? (from US)

by @dedalux 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

Over the past few months I started doing javascript development work and Iโ€™m trying to build projects for my portfolio. Iโ€™m working on a productivity tool that would have a paid tier for users and Iโ€™m not sure about the best practices for setting up this up for myself in terms of tax efficiency and ways to incorporate.

Right now itโ€™s only me who works on this and I project a modest user base in the beginning with perhaps a few hundred dollars of revenues that I would like to expand ideally. Iโ€™m looking at services like Stripe which has an option for individuals without the need for incorporation.

Meanwhile Iโ€™d like to reach to a point where I can hire some people to develop with me and run operations if thereโ€™s more steady cash flow coming in. Fundraising is also of course an option on the table. I donโ€™t foresee a lot of potential for legal liabilities with this project but Iโ€™d like to be personally protected. Iโ€™d Hence I think incorporation is inevitable down the road.

Iโ€™m not sure if I should incorporate as early as possible, since there is some costs associated with this. But if I were to do this, with US status, I am wondering what should I be looking for to ensure that I can run this well in the long run. If any nomads have had experience with the business side of a personal start-up project Iโ€™d love to hear your opinion and experiences.


How can I forward my cell phone to wherever I am?

by @emondpph 8yr 8 years ago  | 9 comments

Hi everybody ! Big congrats to the creators of this wonderful site. It helped me a lot in my decision. I have recently decided to make the jump to a nomadic lifestyle. I am from Montrรฉal in Canada and I co-own a business in web development and video production. I leave in May. My apartment is already rented. My first destination is Canaria Island. :slight_smile:

My question today is about cell phone. I currently have a cell phone which I use for my personal and business communication. Itโ€™s with Rogers. All my clients know this number and sometimes they call me on it. Even if Iโ€™m abroad I would like them to be still able to contact me on the same phone number.

How could I achieve this and not spend a fortune ? Buying a monthly travel kit from Rogers is just way too expensive (about 80-100$ per month). So Iโ€™m thinking about some kind of call forwarding from my Canadian cellphone to either a local cellphone/or Skype/or vo-Ip solution.

How are you guys/girls doing it ? Thanks !


How can I have one telephone number while traveling?

by @swechris 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

I found this perfect solution that will forward phone calls to whatever SIM card you currently are using and really cheap too. Butโ€ฆ Really horrible reviews

What do you guys say?

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