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How do you prove residence to your bank when traveling?

by @perpetual 9yr  | 4 comments

Hello fellow nomads! How do you guys go about proving residence in a country if youโ€™re always moving? European banks will continue to send yearly statements of holdings and earnings to your old tax jurisdiction (even if youโ€™ve legally left) until you prove (address/utility bill) residence in another country. Any experience with satisfying the banks in order to keep some financial privacy while being a nomad?

@replay 9yr

I had a similar problem because I needed to switch banks, but the new bank needed a proof of my residency.

I asked a friend to put my name on his mailbox beside his own, then I told my old bank to send me an account statement there, then I used that account statement with the address of my friend as proof of residency at the new bank.

@perpetual 9yr

Thanks for the replies but I was more referring to the statements the bank continues to send to the old countries fiscal/tax authorities, not just letters going to an old address.


When I left the UK I changed my address on my bank account to my parents address.

They donโ€™t really send letters anymore other than marketing spam (all the useful interaction is online), but I know that if they do then itโ€™s in a safe place and will not be used for fraud or any other terrifying thing.

If youโ€™re using a bank that doesnโ€™t offer good online banking or easy and full access without visiting a branch then Iโ€™d really recommend switching to one that does.


This will be a tough one. Perhaps best to register yourself at your parents or a friends house so you receive your home countries bank statements there and are able to keep that account.

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How to get SMS verifications for banks while traveling?


by @jackgopack 4yr 4 years ago  | 38 comments

Any suggestions for seamlessly receiving SMS Verifications from US financial institutions and other sites while traveling internationally continuously? Wonโ€™t keep my US Verizon account due to cost and currently plan to use local sims at each destination (T-Mobile and Project Fi are NOT an option as they terminate for continuous roaming). In summation, I wonโ€™t have a US mobile account.

Unless Iโ€™m missing something, which is very possible, this appears to be the single most complex issue Iโ€™ve encountered in my preparations, and one that no one addresses. I would greatly appreciate any possible solution that works 100% of the time. Canโ€™t afford surprises in this regard. Many Thanks! Jack.


How to get a UK residence address without renting/buying?

by @pavel_maximov 4yr 4 years ago  | 17 comments

Iโ€™m an EU national IT specialist, recently decided to become a digital nomad. I just left my permanent job in Germany and opened a UK based LTD (for a better taxation) to start a new career as remote working IT contractor. I also want to become a UK resident and pay personal income tax there BUT I donโ€™t want to rent/buy a place because I have no interest in physically living in the UK, as a nomad I will be traveling abroad 100% of the time.

So I just need a UK address where Iโ€™m registered as a resident and could receive mail, but I would never actually be there. I could rent a place and keep it empty but that would be a total waste of money.

How do I find somebody who could give me an official residence at his/her address and keep my name on the door? Iโ€™m ok with paying a reasonable monthly fee for this โ€œserviceโ€ (but not as high as a rent), and give assurance in whatever form that I will never pretend to physically live there. I have no close friends in the UK to ask for this favor, and trying to propose this to a random landlord would be just weird since they are not familiar with the needs of a digital nomad.

Maybe you guys can suggest me somebody who understand the situation and want to make some extra cash every month to pay the bills? Iโ€™m ready to meet in person, provide full proof of identity or any other document, and to make a written agreement that gives the landlord the freedom to cancel this โ€œsituationโ€ at any time.

This is NOT for tax evasion, itโ€™s the opposite! I WANT to pay full tax as UK resident, I just donโ€™t want to waste money on a rent which I will literally never use.

I would be very grateful for any advice!



What is your ergonomic set-up while traveling?

by @caseyr 5yr 5 years ago  | 18 comments

What is your ergonomic set-up while traveling?

I personally have an external keyboard, and am currently exploring getting a laptop stand, some lumbar support, and a trackball-mouse.

What do you use? How are you balancing health / portability?


How to be sure of new tax residence?

by @analogmario 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi, Iโ€™m new here.
I am moving out forever.
So I am going to move to another country my residence.
But, in the new country I donโ€™t plan to spend more than 90 days a year for sure, at least itโ€™s not the plan for the first years.

But I want to be sure that my tax residence is in my new country, even if I spend less than 90 days a year.
I want to be sure I wonโ€™t be reclaimed by my original country or any other country that I might end up spending less than 180 days, but more than the less than 90 I expect to spend in my new country(looks like itโ€™s going to be Portugal).

Hope that was understandable.

Does anyone know where I can get information about this kind related to nomadism?



International health insurance without having a permanent residence?


by @fabyliechti 7yr 7 years ago  | 30 comments

Hey Nomads!

Iโ€™m a Swiss Citizen but full time traveler (living a few month there and there) and therefore donโ€™t have a permanent residence/home anywhere in the world.

For this reason, Iโ€™m as well not registered in Switzerland and therefore donโ€™t have medical care since I would have to pay at least 200$ monthly for medical care which I wonโ€™t use since Iโ€™m not living there.

As a in Switzerland unregistered Swiss Citizen I donโ€™t have medical care in Switzerland but, however based on Swiss Law Iโ€™m always allowed to return to Switzerland, register and then get medical coverage (f.e. in a medical emergency).

So now I was looking for both, an international health insurance with good coverage and an additional travel insurance for my trips. Unfortunately every insurance I check, I got asked for a permanent residence - which I donโ€™t have and donโ€™t want to. So I donโ€™t know what to fill out and if I still can get insurance without having a permanent residence.

I was wondering if there are any nomads here with a similar situation like me and (not registered anywhere and without a permanent residence)? If so, what health insurance, travel insurance you have and where?

PS. As well Iโ€™m not sure if it is kind of illegal not having a permanent residence anywhere plus where do I have to pay taxes?

Would be extremely grateful for any help on those matters - thanks so much!


Which residence/company location is beneficial for an Italian freelancer

by @saschamayr 7yr 7 years ago  | 6 comments

I am an Italian citizen currently living in Italy. I am starting to work as a freelancer and want to open a company in order to invoice the client.
Besides that, I also want to move my main residence away from Italy for multiple reasons.
In which countries should I place my company and/or residence so that the combination of both would be beneficial for me (cost and taxwise)?
Goal would be to rent an apartment and actually move (preferably in Europe), and from there travel as a digital nomad.
Has anyone been in a similar situation or knows an answer to this?


Malta Residence Programme min stay time

in Malta by @pavel_maximov 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

Anybody has experience with Malta โ€œResident Programmeโ€ requirements?
Iโ€™m EU national with a UK Ltd, considering taking Malta residence since you pay no personal tax on sources of foreign income there (if you keep your money in non-Maltese banks and rent property in Malta at all times).
Reading the requirements here:

One point is not totally clear to me, on page 12-13 they list the conditions that would make you loose the residence status (point f):
"[if the resident] Stays in any other jurisdiction for more than 183 days in a calendar year.[he/she loses the resident status]"
Does this just mean I canโ€™t stay in any specific country for more than 183 days, or more broadly I canโ€™t stay 183 days outside of Malta?
For example, if I spend 2 months a year in Malta and other 10 months in other countries but not longer than 3 months each, will I still be considered resident of Malta?
Would appreciate any help.


Living in one EU country with a residence from another EU country?

by @robetus 7yr 7 years ago  | 8 comments

I really thought this had already been asked on here but couldnโ€™t find anything specific. Apologies if it has been asked before and a link would be greatly appreciated. Iโ€™m a US citizen and if I have a residence permit for one Western European country that states I only have to live in the country for 6 months out of the year can I live in another European country for the other 6 months. I plan on EU country hoping every other 6 months to avoid becoming a resident of more than one country.

Is anyone doing this now?


What do you do about cooking whilst traveling?


by @kathrynoh 7yr 7 years ago  | 26 comments

This is something Iโ€™ve not really seen addressed anywhere much but, when you are staying somewhere medium term, say 1-6 months, what you do about cooking? I figure anything shorter than that and you can make do, while over 6 months you arenโ€™t going to mind stocking a kitchen so much. But, for that medium term period, it feels like a waste to spend too much on pantry supplies and equipment but too long to get by on basics.

Anyway, Iโ€™d love to know what other people in regards to cooking. Do you eat out for all your meals, have a few โ€˜go toโ€™ dishes that you can cook anywhere with minimal equipment (mine would be omelettes) or do you adjust to the local cuisine?

Admin edit: Fixed title for spelling & compliance with guidelines.


Has anyone tried to apply for a non-lucrative residence visa in Spain?


in Spain by @i_am_aileen 8yr 8 years ago  | 29 comments

Hey everyone,

Iโ€™m planning on moving to Spain and Iโ€™d like to connect with those who have tried to apply for this special type of long-term visa called as โ€œnon-lucrative residence visaโ€.

Going from what Iโ€™ve researched so far, itโ€™s a good option for us nomads (more so: business owners) to stay longer in Spain (one only needs to prove steady stream of income of at least EUR 2.2K per month and that you should NOT work for Spain โ€” so letโ€™s say having a U.S. company and staying in Spain is fine).

So : my concerns right now revolve mainly on anyoneโ€™s experiences with applying for this type of visa. How difficult was it? How long did it take you?

Also, Iโ€™m wondering about how I can secure a rental space for a year if my lease depends on the approval from the embassy. Iโ€™m also wondering if Valencia is a good place to stay in?


Have you ever been called to U.S. jury duty while traveling?

by @krompson 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

My husband and I have residency in the state of Tennessee in the USA and my in-laws collect our mail for us there. We only pass through Tennessee about once a year.

Does anyone know what happens if weโ€™re called to jury duty? Is traveling a legit excuse to get out of it?


How are you earning a living while traveling?


by @mattlock 8yr 8 years ago  | 22 comments

Iโ€™ve been traveling for over a year, and Iโ€™ve been working on 3 month contracts in locations abroad to sustain travel. I wanted to see what the community was like as far as digital nomads go. Are you trading your skills for $$$? and if so, how are you doing it?

(Iโ€™ve also wanted to try this, but havenโ€™t been to successful.)


How can I have one telephone number while traveling?

by @swechris 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

I found this perfect solution that will forward phone calls to whatever SIM card you currently are using and really cheap too. Butโ€ฆ Really horrible reviews

What do you guys say?


If you don't have a residence, where do you pay taxes as a European citizen?


by @mpp 8yr 8 years ago  | 68 comments

While his type of question has been asked before, please bear with me as the existing threads donโ€™t match/answer my questions.


German citizen working as a consultant for a US startup and moving perpetually every < 3months.

  • (Where) Do I pay taxes when I technically donโ€™t have a residence?
  • Is it allowed by European/German law to not have a residence?
  • Are there countries where you can get a residence w/o staying 6 month/year or large investments, that do not tax non-remitted foreign-sourced income?
  • Can you recommend a good European/German tax advisor who could give a professional opinion?
  • Do I need to start a company to invoice an US company for consultancy work?

less short version:

Inspired by this community & @levelsio, Iโ€™m in the process of becoming a digital nomad myself. The one issue that is currently blocking me is sorting out what the best way to handle taxes is. Iโ€™ve been offered a job by a US startup, they want to hire me as a remote consultant (contractor). Iโ€™m not limited to a location and free to move where/as often as I want.

As the German tax authorities are known for not joking around, I want to make sure I handle the tax issue correctly. My research so far leads me to believe that as long as I donโ€™t own any property in Germany or do any business there, I should be fine with not paying taxes there. Switching countries at least once every three months also should be sufficient to not create any tax obligations in the respecitive countries.

While in theory this sounds like you donโ€™t have to have a residence anywhere and are not obliged to pay taxes, I have a hard time believing that this is not covered by International/European/German law. Did anyone (ideally European/German citizen) consult a tax advisor / lawyer on this and can give an educated answer to this? Iโ€™d also be thankful for recommendations for good tax advisors specialized on this topic.

Last but not least, as I havenโ€™t freelanced before: Do I need to start a company to be able to invoice the US company for my consultancy work or could I just do this as an individual?

Sorry for this rather long post, thanks to everyone whoโ€™ll take the time to answer <3


What's the best time to take birth control pills while traveling?

by @robetus 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Iโ€™m traveling with my girlfriend and she takes birth control pills, one pill every day. Can any of the digital nomadic women on here give her any tips on what time to take it to best suite global travel inside many timezones?


Can you insure a laptop if you're already traveling?

by @danielmcclure 8yr 8 years ago  | 1 comment

Can anyone recommend an insurance company that will specifically insure a laptop for a few months or more for a UK citizen whilst already abroad for over a year and without a return date?


How do you deal with fear of terrorism when traveling?

by @antonioevans 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

I do not want to be an โ€œalarmistโ€ but today we had a recent major bombing at an airport & subway in Brussels. A few months back there was Paris. I am currently on my European part of this years trip and it is on my mind.

There are many places that are off the map for Digital Nomads and for good reason. Safety due to war or major crime. I am talking places like Syria, parts of Iraq, few islands in Philippines, a few province in Mexico, El Salvador, etc. But places that arenยดt historically unsafe do causes concern to people, specifically your back home family&friends.

As a traveler how do you deal with terrorism or major crime when it is around where you are visit? Also secondly how do you deal with at home messages from family members.


Did you acquire gadgets before leaving or while traveling?


by @nihilista 9yr 9 years ago  | 20 comments

Iโ€™m debating whether to buy some things prior to leaving - a nice suitcase and/or backpack, noise cancelling headphones, a Kindle (Iโ€™m an avid reader and would love to take several books with me - but love books and have never found the need to have a Kindle since I have lots of space at home for adding to my library), etc. My feeling is that these things would likely enhance my travels but are not strictly necessary, and if the nomad life turns out to not be to my liking then I mightโ€™ve wasted some money. Are these items easily acquirable on the road? Iโ€™ll be in southeast Asia to begin withโ€ฆ


Have you used a Skype psychologist when traveling?

by @mikhail_dickey 9yr 9 years ago  | 6 comments

Have you tried to use skype/viber services of psychotherapist/coach when youโ€™re travelling?


What troubles have you faced while traveling?

by @acdc 9yr 9 years ago  | 8 comments

Almost got caught out very badly the other week and looking for advice.

30 day visa free entry. Went to check-in at the airport, staff wanted to see a departure ticket. Thankfully I had already booked a flight out (this is often not the case, Philippines are basically flight-only options though) however due to leaving Australia I had no SIM card in my phone. Thus no 3g, or access to the itinerary. It was with the same airline however they couldnโ€™t look it up (given the complete lack of competence this probably is true). Thankfully the airport had wifi and I managed to eventually load up an email after some stressful minutes. A number of airports only have wifi near the gates not out in departures too. If I couldnโ€™t load up the ticket she literally wasnโ€™t going to let us on the flight. Wtf. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnamโ€ฆ all places I have been, had no exit flight/transit booked because was going over land, and train/bus tickets in a lot of countries arenโ€™t readily available online. None of them have ever cared.

Is this usual or was this chick just nuts? Of course when we arrived customs didnโ€™t care at all, โ€œwhen are you leaving, where to?โ€ and that was it. How many Australians exactly are smuggling themselves to live illegally in the Philippines, especially with only 7kg of luggage? Come onโ€ฆ

We finally arrive Manila at 1am. Literally no ATM works. 3 different cards with 3 different banks, half a dozen ATMsโ€ฆ nothing, all โ€œerror communicatingโ€/some generic message. By this stage we were attracting a fair bit of attention having wandered the airport trying every ATM, our only saving grace was $30 I still had in cash that I exchanged at a booth, which was enough to get a taxi to accommodation 5km away. Next morning found an ATM nearby, stomach full of nervesโ€ฆ worked perfectly. We used 2x cards, both worked first go. Same bank as one of the airport ones. God knows why they didnโ€™t work at the airport (well, insert a nothing ever works or is done properly in the Philippines joke here), however I havenโ€™t read much about people carrying much cash. It seems like we should always have $100 - or more if an expensive country - in case this ever happens again? Even though I canโ€™t think of why this even happened in the first place. All the money in the world wonโ€™t help if you canโ€™t get your hands on it :frowning:

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Go nomad
by @levelsio